25 July 2009

Surreal Moments in Feline Observation....

Making a salad. Oops, one crouton drops to the floor. Before I can pick it up, Astra pounces on it and starts chewing.

Hillary runs over to see what Astra's found.

"Grrrrr," says Astra. "This is MY crouton. I LOVE croutons. I'm going to EAT this crouton, and I am NOT going to share!"

"Mommy, mommy!" says Hillary. "Astra has a CROUTON! I'm the baby! I DON'T have a crouton! I NEED a crouton! This is a CRISIS!"

I give Hillary (age 3 months) a crouton. She dives into it.

I wander off to take out the garbage, and then return to eat my salad.

And notice that there on the floor are two whole, albeit slightly soggy croutons......