27 October 2007

More Weird Signs......

It's not my area of expertise by any means, but somewhere along the line I got the impression that the whole spiritual purpose of the general Hindu/Buddhist world view was tranquillity, becoming one with the universe, detachment from the world and the things thereof.....

Now it might be that that doesn't exclude emotional exuberation, but somehow I've always read it as doing so. So it struck me as funny when I got behind a car the other day whose spare tire cover read


Hmm. "Ommmmmmm. Woo!!" Seems incongruous, no? :)

It's another one of those "letters missing" bits, and the car dealer the guy bought his car from's called Tom Wood. But it's much more interesting reading it the way it appears on the car :)

14 October 2007


Driving through downtown Indianapolis the other day, as I do on the way to class, I noticed a sign I assumed had one letter unlit and it got me to thinking.

Ok, if we specify modern day and age, an urban setting, what exactly would Noah do? You'd need a big---garage-sized?---space to build in without too many walls getting in your way; you'd need an address and a sign so the folks shipping in all the exotic not-native-to-Indianapolis pairs of critters had somewhere to send them to.

Something very like---perhaps exactly like---the large establishment with the well lit sign that said:



09 October 2007

Obscure talents and functions....

Everyone has a variety of things they're Particularly Good At.

Some of them are good, some are bad. Probably most of them just are: no moral quality built in whatsoever.

Some are useful, some are not. And some it takes a long time to recognize as being a special function, something that one does that not everyone does.

I've realized that one of mine is providing a habitat for homeless itches. No Itch Left Behind.

The program's headquarters are right between my shoulder blades, with major subdivisions housing unfortunate itches established on both shoulder blades.

I've always found this to be somewhere between mildly irksome and downright irritating, depending on the aggression level of the itches involved, but that was a biased and self-centered view of the situation. Looking at it all from a different perspective---the perspective of the itch---it's a community service, and one for which I should be proud to suffer a bit from time to time.

So we smile, and put up that front when dealing with the itch community in public, and accept the Itchitarian Award.......

....and in the darkness of the night, when no one is looking, plot murder most vicious against the fiercest of the itches.......knowing that it will soon be forgotten and another itch will move into its home..........

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.....

Haven't posted since before the move, so here's the "previously on Boston Legal" bit for what's gone on since May....

Sold the house (July)
Bought new house (July)
Started school (August)

Now we're up to mid-terms.

Grandbaby came to visit this weekend for the first time since the move. Took her to the Children's Museum. She had an absolute ball....

Guess I'm settled in now. Time to write some more.