02 April 2009

Ow ow ow ow ow

Broke my bloody left foot last week.

Feel stupid. Feel pain. Feel frustration.

Did the first four days splinted and "don't put weight on it, wait for the orthopedic surgeon." Most of that in a wheelchair; "just use crutches and hop" is not my strong suit. What I found at my age was that the good knee and hip were just taking the brunt of all the hopping, and it simply increased the number of places I hurt.

Now I've got a boot that looks like it came from Frankenstein & Sons Outfitters; the good news is that it comes off for showers and sleep. The bad news is that slinging that weight around all day seems to be pushing my (steel/replaced) knee to the limits of its capability.

Oh well. What cannot be cured must be endured, or as they said in the old days, "offer it up....."

And so I shall. Nearly to the end of Lent, now.......