13 March 2008


Somehow (tiny fingers playing with the camera and turning all the knobs, I suspect) I ended up taking a movie of Squeegles at the Zeum in Naperville when I meant to be taking a still.

Quality ain't what it could be, since I was taken by surprise. Still, here it is....

Somewhere along the line, I'll get more of the "Zeum" pix up.....but I think we'll be skipping the ones Little Squeegles took.

You see, the only time Little Squeegles got her hands on the camera in the museum was when Big Squeegles was Using the Plumbing Facilities. Which is now digitally commemorated.

When you're committed to sitting where you're sitting, you cannot confiscate a camera from a toddler dancing just out of your reach, snapping shots of you sitting there, drawers around your ankles.


Fortunately, digital shots don't have to be sent out for some stranger to giggle at as they develop them....that's an image I could live without. :)