02 April 2007

A New Holiday....

This week Jews and Christians are ramping up into the spring holiday season with Pesach and Easter, and leaving the pagans behind, since the Vernal Equinox has already passed.

Your average pagan, however, is generally Up For A Good Party at any time, and rather dislikes being left out of things. In this vein, I'd like to propose a new holiday.

The Official Hatching of the Solstice (or Equinox) Peeps.

The original Peeps, of course, are the baby chicks, and we all know that baby chicks come from eggs. Since they're all related, no matter what odd shapes they come in, I think we can assume that as unlikely as it may appear, *all* Peeps come from eggs.

So given that eggs, baby chicks and many other less-than-religiously-obvious "Easter symbols" have their roots in pagan antiquity.......

Pig hereby pronounces that All Peeps are Laid on Solstices and Equinoxes (depending, of course, on their holiday associations).

And that this week is the Week of the Hatching of the (spring) Peeps.