26 February 2009

Another Quotation I'm Contemplating....

Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

---Malachy McCourt

05 February 2009


I know I'm famous.

Only by association, of course. Only the incidental fame that comes when one (or more) of the wildly self-centered exults....

"Lookie what **I** did! Lookie how I got **that** victim!"

I, of course, am playing the part of the victim.

I'm sure it's all over CatNet. Check the message board for "Cabin Fever Entertainments"; there may even be an out of focus webcam shot of me.

"See our housekeeper." (Yes, we're polite, we don't call our human a slave in public.) "See how she notices how adeptly we've batted the entire roll of garbage bags into the washing machine."

"Not once. Not twice. **Three times** she discovers the full roll of kitchen sized garbage bags in the washer and puts it back away. Isn't she smart?"

"Oops. Now see her taking the clean clothes out of the washer to put them in the dryer. FOUR TIMES, MOMMY!!" ("Mommy" is what we named our slave.) "We put the roll there FOUR TIMES!! Watch Mommy pull each water-containing individual bag out of the load! It's right there on MeowTube!"

Wittily yours,

Tondra'n'Sarah'n'Morgan'n'Astra......stars of the IndyCat League!